Wednesday, 12 October 2016

How to talk And Make Her Like You For The First Time You Met Her

To all my loving readers, especially the guys, if you have ever been rejected by a girl just by talking to her due the fact that you are just meeting her for the first time this article will really be very important to you cause I have come up with a tested tips that works better than "Have we met before" or "I know have met you before" Bro! If you are still doing that then you have to go back to the 19s cause this is not your century. But for you not to go, I have come out with these tips that works like magic, if done in a right way you can get any kind of girl or woman, if you are just meeting her for the first time.
                    Let's Get Started!!!

Be Sure Of yourself:
Before walking up to a girl, gather much courage, never think that the girl will not agree or may snub you at the end. Immediately you see a girl, have it in mind that the girl is yours, that's the positive spirit.
•Never think of anything before you go meet her (suprised right?)
•You don't need to wear a suit or a $20k shirt before you can talk to a girl
•Be real and confident

First Impression Matters:
You may be surprised that in the point 1, I said that you should not talk of anything before meeting with her. The point is that, you are to talk about the cloth she is wearing or what she is doing or what she is eating, just anything that are body is engaging on.
Example, you can see her with an earpiece on(obviously listening to a music) you walk up to her and ask, "Is that Hello By Adele" the point is that you must get it wrong. You have obviously gotten her attention or you can try this when you both her in a hurry " You instantly got my attention immediately I saw you, Can I get your number at least to get to know you better" sounds simple right? (By tomorrow I will Be writing an article "30 pick up lines for ladies")
•Dont Talk About Irrelevant Things!!!!!

Make Her Chase You:
 Now that she is relaxed, comfortable, and the girl is interested in you. You to signal your interest in a girl in a way that will actually make you become more attractive to the girl. Women want a man with standards and qualification is your way of showing that for a girl to keep your interest she needs to be more than just a pretty face.
To get a girl to qualify herself, all you have to do is prompt her with a question that will get her talking about herself“so what kind of things do you do for fun?” or “what adventures have you been up to lately?” If you’re meeting a girl in the daytime or in a low-key environment, simply asking “so what do you have going on the rest of the day?” is a perfectly good question to ask a girl that will get her to open to you

Build A Sexual Feeling With Her:

Start with light, playful taps at the beginning of the interaction, and gradually touch her more and for longer periods of time.

Aside from touch, another important factor in building sexual attraction with women is to be open and honest with your interest in her. It’s no secret women want confident men, and saying exactly what you’re feeling without holding back is a great way to show that confidence with women.

Get a woman turned on with your confidence, verbally express your interest in the woman. If you’re in a sexually charged environment like a club, just come out and say “you’re really turning me on right now”. If you’re meeting a girl in the daytime – or someplace where the sexual energy isn’t as potent, something like “I really dig you, let’s go get coffee together” works great. Really, whatever it is you’re feeling at the moment is exactly what you should say to the woman.

Ask For Her Contact:
You have Gained the right courage and you have used the right sets of words, what are you waiting for bro! Ask for her contact! The best contact you can ask for, is her mobile cell number. You can also ask jokingly "Hope that's not a fake number? or Obviously not your dad's?".
•Directly ask for are mobile cell number.
•Dont ask for nonsense contact.
                            Posted In Timi Ajimuda blog First

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